Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss

As humans age, there comes a common hereditary condition of hair loss, where they start shedding more hair strands than normal. On average, a person has over 1,00,000 hairs on their head that go through different growth stages of transition and resting phase, a natural process that we all go through. Possible reasons for hair loss like aging, pregnancy, illness, scalp condition, medication, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalances and others make male and female pattern baldness a more common condition nowadays. While hair loss is a phase of the hair growth cycle, however, shedding more than 50 to 100 hairs a day can be termed as the early sign of different hair loss conditions. 

Want to know more details about hair loss? This well-defined blog will familiarize you with hair loss conditions and their possible causes. 

Different Hair Loss Conditions 

Not all hair loss is distressing; however, bald spots and wide patches might show severe hair loss conditions. Some might be temporary, while others cause permanent hair loss that requires to be treated with hair extensions or medications. Here are the different types of hair loss conditions:

Androgenic Alopecia

This hair loss is referred to as pattern hair loss or baldness. It is common among middle-aged and old people, covering almost 50% of the population. Androgenic Alopecia occurs in two patterns: male and female pattern baldness. Female pattern baldness occurs over the scalp, while for male pattern baldness, the hair loss begins from the crown with an M shape. 

Alopecia Areata 

One of the hair loss conditions, alopecia areata, occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles. Anyone from adults to children might experience this hair loss condition, which sheds hair from body parts like the face, chest, back, arms, and legs. Alopecia areata is also termed an autoimmune condition that causes hair loss and damage from the head to the body. 

Telogen Effluvium 

It is a hair loss condition in which excessive and sudden hair shedding occurs based on physiological and psychological stress. One of the common reasons is a hormonal imbalance that intervenes with hair growth when someone deals with physical and emotional stress for a longer while. It starts with a temporary disruption in the hair growth cycle and triggers hair loss. 

Traction Alopecia 

Traction Alopecia is quite a different hair loss condition. It is a result of persistent pulled hair caused by tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, and extensions, which can damage hair follicles. It is a hair loss, particularly around the hairline and temple areas. Once you witness a hair loss sign, it is required to stop hair pulling straightway to restrict breakage and baldness. 

Anagen Effluvium

Hair loss is characterized by rapid hair shedding during the anagen (growth) phase of the hair growth cycle. Exposure to medication, illness, chemical-based products, and diseases causes this hair loss condition. It is a form of nonscarring alopecia resulting in hair shaft fracture. 

Common Reasons for Hair Loss

After reviewing the different hair loss conditions, we can assess that each type occurs for specific reasons. To address the hair loss issue, it is crucial to research the exact root cause of hair thinning or shedding and determine the pattern of hair loss conditions:

Hormonal Imbalances 

One common issue for hair loss is hormonal imbalance, where excessive androgens or male sex hormones create the condition of androgenetic alopecia. Imbalanced hormones can weaken hair follicles, increasing hair shedding. 

Medication Side-Effects 

Another possible reason for hair loss is the side effects of any medication, which can be temporary. However, if hair shedding increases and bald patches occur, consult a doctor or hair experts. 

Stress & Tension 

Prominently, stressful conditions and tension can lead to hair loss problems, affecting hair growth and pushing many hair follicles out during the resting phase. This can majorly affect hair growth to the extent that hair might fall out simply through hair washing or combing. 

Nutrients Deficiency 

A lack of nutrients in your daily diet can also lead to hair loss. Riboflavin, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12 deficiency are associated with hair loss. Eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients like biotin, vitamin D, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids is advisable for treatment. 

Chemical-Based Products  

Excessive use of chemical-based shampoos and conditioners can significantly damage scalp health and hair growth. Product buildup can remain even after a proper washing regimen, disrupting the growth cycle and resulting in breakage and hair fallout. 

Tips to Follow for the Best Care for Hair Loss 

Losing hair not only causes emotional stress but also affects your confidence level. Here  are the relevant tips that you can follow for the best hair care and help you deal with hair loss conditions: 

  • Follow the best hair care routine with regular washing and head massage that keeps the scalp healthier

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet which is rich in nutrients, and add supplements for deficiencies

  • You can consult experts for hair treatments that promote hair growth 

  • Gently follow hair brushing, and avoid tight hairstyles

  • Do not avoid scalp infection and dandruff concerns as this leads to hair problems

Count on Vinings Barber for Best Hair Care in Vinings, GA

To escape hair loss conditions during the early ages, it is essential to maintain hair scalp with regular trimming and cutting that support hair growth. If you are looking for professionals in Vinings, trust the leading name in the industry, Vinings Barber. We are here to serve you with a range of traditional and modern haircuts and beard trims. Connect with our hair experts to explore our specialized hair services more!


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